A Guide to Worship at North Beaver Creek Lutheran Church
Before you come
Most people wear their everyday casual clothes, a few people dress up. There is no dress code.
Young children – Everyone is welcome to worship. Worship lasts about an hour and most children get restless. It is a good idea to bring quiet things to keep them busy (like coloring books, soft toys, non-messy snacks, etc.) -- just in case. Pointing out what is happening is a great way to keep them engaged.
When to arrive
Worship begins at the time stated (8:45 AM Sundays) Most people usually come 5-10 minutes early to find a seat, talk to people and settle in. (Some people sneak in a couple minutes late while others come 20 minutes early.)
What to do when you arrive
During worship
Worship participation
What is Holy Communion?
People come up to the front of church, kneel and receive bread and a little cup of wine or grape juice. Lutherans believe that Jesus (God) is there in a special way in the bread and wine, we say the words that Jesus said to his followers on the night he was betrayed and murdered – “This is my (Jesus’) body and this is my (Jesus’) blood.” You might have a lot of questions about this, and that’s okay.
Please enjoy, watch, listen, and participate as much as you feel comfortable. Write down your questions & impressions.
Have questions? See contact information below.
Before you come
Most people wear their everyday casual clothes, a few people dress up. There is no dress code.
Young children – Everyone is welcome to worship. Worship lasts about an hour and most children get restless. It is a good idea to bring quiet things to keep them busy (like coloring books, soft toys, non-messy snacks, etc.) -- just in case. Pointing out what is happening is a great way to keep them engaged.
When to arrive
Worship begins at the time stated (8:45 AM Sundays) Most people usually come 5-10 minutes early to find a seat, talk to people and settle in. (Some people sneak in a couple minutes late while others come 20 minutes early.)
What to do when you arrive
- Get a bulletin (program). They are in the back of church; someone should be in the back handing them out. If you can’t find them, ask anyone or ask the Pastor.
- Pick a place to sit. Any bench (pew) will do. People tend to sit near the back or middle. The front is good for better seeing what is happening up front, but in the back you can see what others are doing and follow their lead.
- Tip: Take a moment to find the page numbers listed in the program and put a ribbon in them to find them later.
During worship
- Participate where you are comfortable. For example: if you are unsure about praying, you don’t have to. There are times when the congregation says things all together (like the prayer of the day). You don’t have to, but can if you want to. North Beaver Creek is pretty laid back and accepting, so if you make a mistake no one will notice and if they do it won’t be a big deal. Also -- when kids act up, parents are usually more worried by it than anyone around them!!
- If you need to get up and move around, you can do that at any time. It is better to do that when we are singing or moving around (like sharing the peace or taking communion). It may feel awkward standing up to leave during the sermon or praying, but if a child is upset, no one will question it.
- A few people bring in coffee to worship, but not many. You might want to scope that out and see how comfortable you are with that on future visits.
Worship participation
- Sharing the Peace – The pastor says “The peace of the Lord be with you all” and everyone responds “and also with you.” After that people shake hands and say "Peace be with you." Don’t be surprised if people come and shake your hand. You can say “peace be with you” or “good morning” or simply smile.
- Offering – During worship we do collect money during the offering. This is an expression of thanks to God for what we have (which we believe God provides). The money goes to the upkeep of the congregation’s ministries and to mission projects like feeding the hungry – things that help share God’s love and grace. As guests you are welcome to participate in the offering (give money), although that is not an expectation. What a person gives is up to that person – the amount people give has a huge range, from a couple dollars to several hundred dollars.
- Holy Communion – At North Beaver Creek everyone is welcome at God’s table, no exceptions.
What is Holy Communion?
People come up to the front of church, kneel and receive bread and a little cup of wine or grape juice. Lutherans believe that Jesus (God) is there in a special way in the bread and wine, we say the words that Jesus said to his followers on the night he was betrayed and murdered – “This is my (Jesus’) body and this is my (Jesus’) blood.” You might have a lot of questions about this, and that’s okay.
Please enjoy, watch, listen, and participate as much as you feel comfortable. Write down your questions & impressions.
Have questions? See contact information below.
W10767 County Road C, Ettrick, WI 54627